Ultimate Web Links

Some cool Ultimate Frisbee links:

USA Ultimate - Governing body in the USA for the sport of Ultimate.

Clockwork Orange - Princeton Men's Ultimate Team.

Mercer Co. Ultimate Disc League - Local league since 1977.

Mercer County area Club Ultimate - Leagues in the area, listed on the MCUDL site.

Durango Boot - A fun game to play with 2 or 3 players per team. It's what Frisbeeheads do on those "light turnout" days.

RISE UP Ultimate - Ultimate instructional videos made by coaches.

UltiPhotos - Galleries of Ultimate event photos.

Understanding Ultimate - Coach's blog: "The thinking person's guide to Ultimate."

Skyd Magazine - Online Ultimate magazine: "your source for all things Ultimate."

Ultimate on reddit - Ultimate discussion section on reddit, a social news and entertainment website.

Ultimate Rob - "Where players learn to play better."

Ultimate Techniques and Tactics - Excellent book on playing/coaching Ultimate (Amazon page).

Ultimate Frisbee Association - US Mens professional ultimate league.

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Last modified 8/28/2024